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Optical Components
Optical components for medical/beauty treatments
tOptical materials
tWindows for CCTV Housings
tAR and conservative products
tFront Surface Mirror and partial refleting mirros
tLaser Diodie Devices
tVisible and IR Sensors
tMicrosignal Amplifiers
tMicrosignal Photoreceivers
tOpto-Mechanical Components
tIrreversible Thermometers

High  Tech  Performers

Company EOT has been in the OptoElectronic business for over 30 years.

Eot can supply:

  • Windows, Lens, Prism, Mirrors, ecc... in Optical Glass, Sapphire,Silicon, germanium, Quartz, ecc...
  • UV, VISIBLE, IR optical filters
  • Optical Emitters and Sensors
  • High quality amplifiers and photoreceivers